24 HOUR TAXI Leros - LIBERIDIS DIMITRIOS - Guided Tours Leros - Delivery From Airports Leros - Delivery From Ports Leros - Transport of the Elderly Leros - Transport of Unaccompanied People Leros - Package Transport Leros

24 HOUR TAXI Leros - LIBERIDIS DIMITRIOS - Guided Tours Leros - Delivery From Airports Leros - Delivery From Ports Leros - Transport of the Elderly Leros - Transport of Unaccompanied People Leros - Package Transport Leros

13983 Visitors:
Address: Panteli
Area: Leros
Telephone: 6946077020
Mobile: -
P.C.: 85400
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Our company TAXI LEROS-VIP TAXI, located in LEROS, is a new company that has been active for several years in the field of taxi transport, always having as its core value the professional and high-quality services of transporting people and unaccompanied persons in LEROS.   We offer our services in the field of taxi transportation and have transported many happy customers, locals and tourists till date.   Our modern taxis [Mercedes] and our professional drivers are at your disp...
13983 Visitors:

Panteli, Leros

13983 Visitors:

Our company TAXI LEROS-VIP TAXI, located in LEROS, is a new company that has been active for several years in the field of taxi transport, always having as its core value the professional and high-quality services of transporting people and unaccompanied persons in LEROS.

We offer our services in the field of taxi transportation and have transported many happy customers, locals and tourists till date.

Our modern taxis [Mercedes] and our professional drivers are at your disposal to transport you immediately, safely and comfortably to your desired destination in LERO. Our taxis are always clean, have comfortable seats and air conditioning, while the kind, our friendly and willing drivers, who also speak English, will make sure that your transfer with our taxis is a pleasant experience for you.

We are ready and will be happy to take you to ports, airports, train stations, bus stations and to any destination you wish, as well as to guide you with our taxis to the historical and religious monuments of the island.

You can easily and quickly make your reservation without using credit cards etc. customers pay on arrival at their destination.

All these years we have demonstrated a high level of professionalism, taking special care of the safe and comfortable movement of every passenger. Our experience combined with our economical prices and personal service make us an ideal choice for your move.

Our main goal is not only specialized service and excellent services but also the creation of trusting relationships, immediate information and the safety of our customers, something that has contributed to the development of our company.

Our personal contact, friendly service and reasonable prices are the guarantee of our customers' satisfaction. We are at your disposal for any information and will be happy to serve you.

Dimitrios Liberidis


 24 HOUR Taxi
 Guided tours
 Delivery From Airports
 Delivery From Ports
 Transportation of the Elderly
 Transport of Unaccompanied
 Transfer of Packages
13983 Visitors:


Telephone: 6946077020

Working Hours
